The Voorhees Animal Orphanage (VAO) has an enthusiastic team of volunteers who will come to your location upon request to teach your students or group members about the work of our shelter. The Humane Education presentation lasts approximately one hour and is appropriate for all age groups. The main objective of this presentation is to familiarize our community with the extensive ongoing work of the shelter and includes, among other topics, information concerning:
- A short history of the VAO and the national animal rescue movement
- VAO’s work with Camden County and some of its municipalities
- Ways to safely behave around animals and family pets
- What to do if your pet becomes lost or if you find a stray pet in your town
- Common food items that could injure your pet if ingested
- How to help the dogs and cats that, through no fault of their own, end up in a shelter
- Volunteering at the VAO
When possible and depending on the age group, staff may permit a dog or cat to accompany our volunteers to the event!
While the presentation is free of charge, the staff of the VAO would greatly appreciate much needed donations that can be found on our “Wish List” such as paper towels, liquid hand soap, laundry detergent, tennis balls, dog and cat toys, etc. A current Wish List can be found on our website under the section “Support Us.” Donations help us save resources that can be used to support the dogs and cats. If you are not sure about what to purchase, let us know and we will provide suggestions.
Contact the shelter for more information to book an event!